MO: Some Sex Offenders Could Be Banned from Going Near Missouri Nature and Education Centers

[ – 2/20/20]

State Representative Hannah Kelly, R-Mountain Grove, wants to ban some registered sex offenders from going within 500 feet of any Missouri Conservation Department nature or education center. The Missouri House Public Safety and Crime Prevention Committee is considering Kelly’s bill, which could charge violators with a felony. The measure would apply to sex offenders who have committed certain sex crimes against children.

“We have an ultimate responsibility to ensure that when the prosecutor goes after that individual for perpetrating evil crimes against a child, that we have teeth in the statute to make sure that the next person who might think about doing that, decides not to because they see the proper punishment has been handed down,” says Kelly.

During a public hearing, Missouri Department of Conservation Deputy Director Aaron Jeffries says the agency asked Kelly to sponsor the measure. He says about 800,000 kids visit the agency’s nature centers annually.

“How this got on our radar was simply off-duty police officers or conservation officers participating in programs at our nature centers recognizing registered sex offenders and not being able to do anything about the situation,” says Jeffries.

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Yep. Unconstitutional in Michigan, but totally okay in Missouri. What a crock!!!!

“How this got on our radar was simply off-duty police officers or conservation officers participating in programs at our nature centers recognizing registered sex offenders and not being able to do anything about the situation,” says Jeffries.

Not being able to do anything about “WHAT????” situation? If you call registered sex offenders standing there not bothering anyone or causing any problems or breaking any laws a “situation”, well then I guess when a sex offender stands anywhere, not breaking any laws or bothering anyone a “situation” then I guess sex offenders should be banned from food shopping (kids are in grocery stores), banned from stores like Walmart (tons of kids in Walmart stores), banned from taking a walk (kids do walk), banned from going to a movie (I think kids may go to movies, not quite sure though but we should ban sex offenders from going to movies just in case – “sarcasm” applied).

Let’s go all out on the next step to take to protect the public from these evil sex offenders, especially if it saves “just one child”.

New law states – all sex offenders are not to leave their homes except during the hours of 8:03pm-8:21pm and during this time while the sex offenders are allowed out of their homes all streets will be cleared of all persons (non sex offenders), extra police will be assigned to every street corner and all stores, shops, restaurants will lock their doors while these horrible “non-humans” walk the streets for their daily exercise. “That should do it!!”.

Will this madness ever stop?!

English is delightful:

“off-duty police officers or conservation officers participating in programs at our nature centers recognizing registered sex offenders and not being able to do anything about the situation”

1. Who are these off duty police officers recognizing any person related to any prior criminal activity let alone sex offenses? How boring must their jobs be to be off duty and easily recognize people who registered?

2. Why would conservation officers be recognizing anyone registered?

3. Exactly what situations are these ridiculous people so bothered by? If anyone was doing anything illegal on duty law enforcement or security would be able to do something about it.

She is pandering and this tact by profiteers & politicians are common place.


Well put and I agree fully with the lunacy.

Representative Andrew McDaniel, R-Deering, says the legislation would not stop someone from trying to do something bad to a child.

“The ones that are still abiding by the law and are going back into society and being decent people still – trying to – but we keep pushing them into corners by keep on adding more obstructions to their daily life,” says McDaniel.
I’m glad to see at least ONE of those morons gets it, at least some.

Dont think this would ever stand being Nature Centers receive Federal funding and is not part of SORNA laws could be wrong dont believe the law would stand if passed.